Aerobask DA62 - 11.0.47-2.08a

Create DateMay 29, 2018
Last UpdatedJune 7, 2018
Size51 KB
Download count54179

Compiled for:

  • Aerobask DA62 11.0.47
  • SmartCopilot 2.08
  • XP11.20r4 (build 112019 64-bit)



  • Hubok, Mechia - This File
  • Birdy.dma - Cirrus SF50's G1000


Known Issues:

  • Many dials will register two clicks instead of one, expected to be fixed in next release.
  • FO may show the plane as crashed upon landing, might be scenery issues.
  • FO fuel flow sometimes reads zero.
  • The DA62 saves some of the previous panel state on load, double check switches like fuel pumps, fuel selectors, and others before connecting, or switch them on and off to fix.
  • HDG/CRS commonly moves laggy, this appears to be a global issue.
  • AUX PWR not syncing, display backup causes screen issues.



  • 11.0.47-2.08a
    • Initial release, beta.


Contact me on Discord (Hubok#0001) if you have any questions or bug reports.