Hotstart TBM900 1.08 / version 1.0

Create DateOctober 27, 2018
Last UpdatedOctober 28, 2018
Size932.73 KB
Download count405880

Hello community,

we have created a SCP config file for the hot Hotstart TBM900!

And are happy to share it with you today.

Please keep in mind that this Version 1 and the plane is still in ongoing development.

This version was tested with Version 1.08

* Special thanks to totoritko for his help *


The smartcopilot config garage

Please report problems here:

Or here:



#--------- NOTES: ---------
# Please Review The presync Checklist.
# Due to limitations of the G1000, it is important to follow this checklist. because of these limitations
#------ Xsquwak USERS: --------
# Because of the lack of observer mode
# The transponder fuses (1&2) are not synced.
# and the pilot with the Observer Call-sign
# should Pull these fuses to turn off their.
# transponder
### Version 1 :     Initial Version

#### Install ####

1. Put the smartcopilot file into the main Folder of the Hotstart TBM 900

2. Rename your TBM900 Folder in Xplane 11/Output to TBM900_my (or what ever you like) to keep your airframes

3. Put the TBM900 folder from this file in Xplane 11/Output

3. Load Xplane

4. Load the Hotstart TBM900

5. Do the ckecklist in this file (for this plane it more essential then ever to have the same status at the beginning)

6. Do the Payload stuff before connect individual (because these stuff are not synct at the moment)

7. connect via smartcopilot

Have fun 🙂

Until we dont have the option for cold and dark, these steps are important to get and same status at the beginning of the sharing flight. Later when have the option this becomes more esay 😉