Carenado C152II v3.2 / Nhadrian Mod 5.1.0. / Config V1.1

Create DateJanuary 26, 2020
Last UpdatedJanuary 26, 2020
Size42.36 KB
Download count69976

Carenado C152II v3.2, Nhadrian Mod 5.1.0
"HD version"
Config Version V1.1
Special thanks to Nhadrian.

All systems should function, including menu, statics, tablet.
Livery info, Sunglasses are separate.
GTN systems should work, further testing will be done.

Make sure aircraft state/menu are the same before connecting!

Feel free to hit me up on discord.  Report any bugs!
@TheSCConfigGarage or @SmartCoPilot Community