Carenado FA50EX v1.1 + BP. Config v1.4, Updated for SC3.1.1

Create DateNovember 12, 2019
Last UpdatedJanuary 16, 2020
Size120.20 KB
Download count61664
Carenado FA50EX v1.1. + BP

Config file for the Carenado FA50EX v1.1. + BP
Updated for SC3.1.1

"Latch animation still  glitched until N1 power is applied, Push them forward!"
Slave is locked out of some specifics, minor things will be fixed in the next update.
Proline button animations still do not function, but the underlying code does.

"New in v1.4"
IRS knob fixed and displays SYNC, refs function, few knobs fixed.
"minor artificial horizon glitch"

For TERRAIN/WEATHER. Do not use the button on the ProLine. This does not SYNC as properly as of yet.
Use the RADAR button on the dashboard!

Feel free to hit me up on discord.  Report any bugs!
@TheSCConfigGarage or @SmartCoPilot Community