Flight Factor 767 V1.3.8 + FPDS support

Create DateMay 7, 2018
Last UpdatedApril 3, 2020
Size335.35 KB
Download count60176

### Smartcopilot Config File for FF767 Vers. 1.3.8 ###

The 757SC plugin for FMC synchronization is made by Toni Altimani (Max Waldorf). We use it with his permission. Thank you πŸ™‚
Be aware that the 757SC plugin is made for WINDOWS ONLY! Please address requests for MAC/LINUX builds to Max Waldorf.

Changelog v1.6:

- made for plane version 1.3.8
- TOGA problem possibly solved
- fuel injection (credits to Dmitry who gave me attention to this problem and for his solution as well)
- sync Cool Equip knob again
- sync Blue EICAS button in the PFD

Special thanks to skidroq, who kindly tested this version again with me πŸ™‚

### Installation ###
Place the config.cfg file and the plugin folder in the 767 aircraft folder

### Limitations ###

- if you use FPDS upgrade, be aware that both pilots has to choose the avionic upgrade by their own in the EFB (unfortunately that isnΒ΄t synchronized at the moment)

- FMC sync for Windows only
- Don't use the FMC 2D pop out!
- TOGA and Autothrottle don't work properly at the moment. Start and Land with manual throttle until fixed

Different dataref alert?

- Better Pushback: make sure you either have it installed or not on both sides
- Please make sure that the 757sc file is in the plugins folder of the plane on both sides
(not in the main plugins folder of xplane)
- Please double check that after installing a new version of the plane

Please report problems here :


smartcopilot config garage