Aerobask Antares 20

Create DateJune 20, 2018
Last UpdatedMay 17, 2019
Size4.47 KB
Download count54256

This is my Second public SCP release as a lead dev. special thanks to Mecha for the assist and to Areobask

This is a SmartCopilot Config for the Areobask Antares 20E

there are some limitations, and notes that you should be aware of a ReadMe is embedded in the file. it is easy to lose track of time in a glider especially when you glide with a friend.


Transponder is now synced for use with swift Enjoy!

P.S. I know this is a single seater. this was made by request by the developer.

### Smartcopilot Config File. v2.08 or above
##   Areobask Antares 20E
##   Created By Teh_Spartan & Mechia
##   VERSION 1 Rev A
##   Only launch with Winch. NO TOW PLANES
##   Because thermal position cannot be synced the ride can be a bit bumpy for the slave. Instructors should fly as slave
##   Notes: